2 Star Paddling

A quick and dirty page for the dedicated 2 star aspirants

JP – sumersalt

Charles canoe rescue.

Simon performing Jay stroke.

Simon performs stern rudder… JP needs to shut up.

Simon performs bow rudder. Am just picking on Simon now. 🙁

Simon performs bow rudder. Am just picking on Simon now. 🙁

Shona B


Alison Paddling


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Pam Stern Rudder – all good. Shaft not quite pointing forwards. Top hand needs to be pushed out.


Pam Stern Rudder – Top hand is now out.


Pam Stern Rudder – Prying out.


Simon – Quality rescue, taking control, confident smiling. Keeping it light. NICE!

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Simon – Quality rescue, taking control, confident smiling. Keeping it light. NICE!

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Simon – Quality rescue, taking control, confident smiling. Keeping it light. NICE!

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Simon – Quality rescue, taking control, confident smiling. Keeping it light. NICE!

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Simon – Quality rescue, taking control, confident smiling. Keeping it light. NICE!

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Simon – Quality rescue, taking control, confident smiling. Keeping it light. NICE!

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Simon – Quality rescue, taking control, confident smiling. Keeping it light. NICE!

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Simon – Quality rescue, taking control, confident smiling. Keeping it light. NICE!

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John pulls off a rescue.

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John pulls off an excellent rescue.

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Charles – Setting where you grip the paddle. Putting the paddle on your head your arms should be vertical. Spotted Pam and John holding paddles with hands too close together. My personal fault (I called it style) was to hold my paddles too far apart (for years). Was on a white water course in Wales I couldn’t paddle up a rapid, got told to hold my paddles properly, and paddled the rapid 🙂 instantly cured.

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Pam in and open.

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Pam in and open.

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Charles self rescue.

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John and Shona practicing getting up. Hip flick, knees, trunk rotation, head down. John is leaning back here – to be discouraged.

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JP – filling your boat up with even a few liters of water makes it unstable so as it sloshes about you can practice high and low brace. JP – this much is frankly coking about.

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Charles and JP practicing canoe rescue.